Mathieu Anderson is a web dev

Nice to meet you

I'm a frontend specialist. Love being part of cross-functional teams and working with product owners to be the logical glue between the back-end devs and the designers.

My favourite tool is currently React, but I love anything that lets me to build UIs in a declarative way. And always eager to adopt whatever the team agrees upon!

I come from a fullstack background. Familiar with back-end tech (Node, Go, SQL databases), and delighted to dive into it when it is required!

My teams


April 2024 - Now

Senior frontend engineer

  • Who? A fast growing unicorn startup offering a global HR platform.
  • What? A yet undisclosed greenfield project.
  • My role: Currently handling frontend architecture and early implementation, optimizing for speed, delight, extensibility and maintainability.


December 2022 - April 2024

Senior frontend engineer

  • Who? A unicorn startup offering a fully managed, open source cloud data platform.
  • What? Aiven is committed to open source software, and therefore has an Open source program office (OSPO), which is a team of employees working full-time on maintaining the projects we depend on. As part of the OSPO, I joined the Klaw project's team. Klaw is a self-service Apache Kafka® governance tool, allowing users to implement secure workflows to manage their Apache Kafka® clusters.
  • My role: Currently focusing on migrating the frontend from Angular 1 to React 18. This includes: making architectural decision with high emphasis on maintainability and accessibility, collaborating closely with back-end engineers to improve the API design of the project.


January 2019 - November 2022

Frontend developer

  • Who? A dynamic growth SAAS startup selling a holistic promotion engine solution.
  • What? Talon.One is a twofold product: a webapp to create flexible rule-based marketing campaigns, and a powerful API to evaluate customer sessions according to those rules.
  • My role: Building and owning frontend features for our web app, in close collaboration with frontend teammates, the UX/UI team and the back-end team (geolocation, rule builder, UI redesign). Optimizing build tools and addressing tech debt (cut Webpack build time in half, enforcing code standards, updating legacy React codebase). Led a major redesign effort of the product (implementing specs by creating maintainable, reusable components). Grew into a leadership role (mentoring new hires, representing engineering concern in product meetings, planning and executing / delegating necessary tasks).


July 2017 - December 2018

Full-stack developer

  • Who? A mature startup providing an SEO service to thousands of users daily as a freemium model.
  • What? WooRank offers a limited free review for any url entered by the user. Subscribing to the service opens access to a keyword tool, PDF generation, competitor tracking, analytics and more. Deeply committed to high availability and continuous integration / deployment through containerized micro-services (Node / React), and multiple daily deploys.
  • My role: Built new features from back-end to frontend (PDF generation, Facebook API metrics gathering, mailing service). Proposed solutions to solve our user's issues and gathered technical consensus (styles theming for PDFs). Addressed maintenance issues (legacy PHP codebase). Participated in first-response effort during crisis.

Most used tools

Writing & talking

Being an open source React developer

October 25, 2023
A talk about how, where and why to contribute to open source projects as a developer who likes using React.

TypeScript, react-hook-form, zod: blissful forms

August 8, 2023
A walkthrough of the technical choices the Klaw project team has made to create reliable, composable and delightful web forms.

DX is UX

June 3, 2022
Talk at JSConf Budapest 2022 about improving your developer experience by adopting user experience principles.

Theming Ant Design : a detailed step by step basic guide

March 23, 2020
A deeper dive in applying the theming guidelines provided by Ant Design’s documentation in an actual application.

A proposal for clearer code reviews

November 27, 2019
An attempt to build a loose feedback framework from personal experience, both as a reviewer and a creator of pull requests.

Types of TypeScript typings

September 9, 2019
A brief overview of the different approaches TypeScript offers to make our React code type safe.

A localization toolbox with React's context API

June 6, 2018
A guide on how to format time and numbers, how to make it relevant to a specific locale, and how to make it all easy with React’s context API.